traffic jam paragraph for class 8

traffic jam paragraph for class 8

Assalamualaikum Dear Reader, Are you looking for traffic jam paragraph for class 8 then you have come to the right place. If you read carefully from beginning to end, you will memorize this paragraph once and never forget it.

traffic jam paragraph for class 8

Traffic jam refers to a long line of vehicles on the road leading to serious road blocks . Traffic jams are a regular affair in the cities and towns . It is a problem of daily life . There are many reasons for traffic jams. Overpopulation and narrowness of the roads cause traffic jams . The drivers do ot obey the traffic rules . Their overtaking tendency also causes traffic jams . illegal parking of vehicles is also responsible for traffic jam . unlicensed vehicles also worsen the situation . some corrupted traffic officers sometimes aggravate the situation allowing unlawful running of some vehicles . those corrupted officers do not impose traffic laws strictly . the number of traffic police id insufficient the effects of traffic jam are immensely notorious to the city people . traffic jam kills our valuable time . it causes a great suffering to the people . this problem can be solved by adopting some effective measures . proper and effective implementation of traffic rules can go a long way to solve the problem . at the same time the roads also have to be widen .

Dear readers, brothers and sisters, for those of you who want this paragraph in simpler language, I have brought this paragraph of another author in a simpler way. Especially those who study in class 7 or 8 can read this paragraph below. Importance This paragraph is required for everyone.

traffic jam paragraph ssc

traffic jam paragraph for class 8

Traffic jams are a common problem in our country . A traffic jam means a long line of vehicles stuck in a jam . It is a regular scene in big cities and towns . Now it has become a serious problem . It creates a deplorable condition in our regular life . There are many causes of traffic jams … increasing the number of buses . trucks , autorickshaws , rickshaws are the main causes of traffic jams . Overoxidation is also a cause . On the other hand , the traffic control system in our country is not developed . Drivers are also responsible for this problem . their lack of knowledge about traffic rules , overtaking tendency and parking here and there are one more causes of traffic jams . it causes untold suffering to the passengers and the movement of the vehicles . Our government should establish more plans to solve the problem . all of us should be sincere about this problem to remove it . Public awareness is also needed to solve this problem . 

You have read the above paragraph by now. How did you like it? We hope you like this article. For your convenience, I bring this paragraph of another author, I hope you will like it too. There is a saying that the more you read, the more knowledge you will gain.

traffic jam paragraph HSC

traffic jam paragraph for class 8

Traffic jams are one of the most talked about problems in our country . A traffic jam means a long line of vehicles stuck in a jam . It is a common scene in big cities and towns . It has become a common affair for city people . It has created a deplorable condition in our regular life . There are many causes of traffic jams . Increasing the number of buses , trucks , autorickshaws , rickshaws are the main causes of traffic jams . Over population is also a cause of this problem getting worse day by day . all classes of people are victims of it . On the other hand , the traffic control system in our country is not developed . There are insufficient traffic police . Drivers are also responsible for this problem . They have a lack of knowledge about traffic rules . Drivers over-taking and parking here and there are more and more causes of traffic jams . it causes untold suffering to the passen-gers and the movement of the vehicles . The problem can be solved by taking some steps . traffic rules should be imposed strictly . our government should establish more plans to solve the problem . all of us should be sincere about this problem to remove it . Public awareness is also needed to solve this problem .

I hope you like the above paragraphs. If some people don’t like it then below is another paragraph on the same topic, hope you like it more. If you read this paragraph carefully once carefully. Then you will see that you have memorized it because of wearing it once.

Many prayers from the bottom of my heart for my dear student brothers and sisters. I want you to read good writing and grow up. Your family is looking at you. Your family will be most happy when you study well and get a good job. We will always be by your side for any help, inshallah.

You tell us what you need and we will try to provide it. The more books a person reads, the more knowledge he gains. I always pray that you make yourself in such a way that you can make the future generation an educated nation.

If you are wise then no one can take your knowledge. Rather, you can learn ten more people yourself. Prepare yourself in such a way that you can make your dreams come true. People can do what they want or not. If you always try to put yourself first then everyone will like you very much .

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