If you are looking for a nuclear family and extended family paragraph then you have come to the right place. 99% chance of appearing in this section exam. So we have brought this paragraph for you today. Hope it will be useful for all of you.
nuclear family and extended family paragraph
A nuclear family is such a family that consists of a husband and a wife and their children . It is generally called a small or tiny family . is called a small family because a nuclear family does not bear the excessive pressure of kith and kings as well as relatives . On the other hand an extended family means such a family that consists of parents , their children . aunts , uncles, grandparents , cousins and all living in the same household . For this reason an extended family is called a large family . An extended family is called a large family because the members of an extended family keep contact with all relatives . in a nuclear family the number of the members being small and for this reason there may peace prevail . In a nuclear family as there are less family members it is comparatively easy to meet the demands or basic needs of the family member . The members of this type of family can enjoy a happy and beautiful life . children in this family get the opportunity of being properly educated . But members of this type of family often suffer from loneliness and anxiety, especially if both the husband and wife are employees . because in this situation the children can not get their parents beside them for a long time due to their parents’ employment . so they often feel unhappy and a bad impression is created among them . On the other hand, in an extended family, the members being large , peace and discipline is a rare thing . noise and disorder prevail in such a family . For this reason they can not study attentively in an extended family . but it is absolutely true that the family members in an extended family do not usually suffer from loneliness. In most of the cases, to meet the demands of the members of an extended family often becomes difficult . As a result , the members may suffer from malnutrition . but if an extended family is well off the members can lead a life more than a nuclear family . still to maintain peace and order becomes difficult for such a family . so observing the merits and demerits of a nuclear family and an extended family . We can surely say that a nuclear family is the best one in the contest of the present situation .
You have read the above paragraph by now. How did you like it? We hope you like this article. For your convenience, I bring this paragraph of another author, I hope you will like it too. There is a saying that the more you read, the more knowledge you will gain.

a nuclear family and an extended family paragraph
A nuclear family is a family where parents and their children live together . On the other hand , an extended family is a family where father , mother , childrens , grandmother , grandfather , uncles , brothers , sisters , etc live together . A nuclear family is a small family but an extended family is a large family . There are some advantages and disadvantages for both families . The nuclear family is getting more popular day by day because of some special facilities . The members of the nuclear family enjoy their life in their own way . The childrens of a nuclear family can grow up in a good environment . On the other hand, children face many problems . to be grown up in an extended family . In a nuclear family , parents can easily maintain his family . but in an extended family , parents can not easily mention their family . There are some problems in a nuclear family such as the children in a nuclear family feeling lonely . they can not share their feelings and emotions with others . On the other hand , there are no such problems . In an extended family the members can easily express their feelings and emotions to others . Most of the parents in a nuclear family remain busy with their own work time with their childrens . is a very serious problem in a nuclear family . but these types of problems are very rare in an extended family . I live in an extended family but any family can be better than others . because it totally depends on their family status .

Dear readers, brothers and sisters, for those of you who want this paragraph in simpler language, I have brought this paragraph of another author in a simpler way. Especially those who study in class 7 or 8 can read this paragraph below. Importance This paragraph is required for everyone.
nuclear family vs extended family paragraph
A nuclear family is usually a small family which consists of parents and their children only . In a modern nuclear family the number of members does not exceed four or five . That is why a nuclear family has a lot of advantages . First of all , the atmosphere in a small family usually remains calm and quiet . It is a tree from the noise of an extended family . Secondly , it is comparatively easy to run a nuclear family . The guardians of such a family do not have to feed too many mouths . they do not have to meet too many demands . Thirdly , the parents of a nuclear family can plan their life in their own way , because they have to look after their own children only . The family ties in a nuclear family are stronger than those in an extended family . The members of the nuclear family can be more caring and sharing to each other . Because of these advantages , most modern people prefer a nuclear family to an extended family .
I hope you like the above paragraphs. If some people don’t like it then below is another paragraph on the same topic, hope you like it more. If you read this paragraph carefully once carefully. Then you will see that you have memorized it because of wearing it once.
a nuclear family and an extended family paragraph
There are mainly two types of families: nuclear family and extended family . A nuclear family is a small family consisting of husband and wife and their children . On the contrary , an extended family is a big family that consists not only of parents and children but also og grandfather , aunts , etc . At present , most people are fond of forming a nuclear family . a nuclear family is supposed to be less troublesome . On the contrary , an extended family is supposed to be noisier . It is thought that more troublesome situations take place in an extended family . Day to day living expenses are increasing . so , people do not like to form an extended family . In a nuclear family children can get good food and education . but the nuclear family may also have some disadvantages . Children in a nuclear family may feel lonely and bored because there are not many members of a nuclear family . On the contrary , children in an extended family do not feel lonely as they always get companions . Thus there are some merits and demerits in both the nuclear family and extended family .
Many prayers from the bottom of my heart for my dear student brothers and sisters. I want you to read good writing and grow up. Your family is looking at you. Your family will be most happy when you study well and get a good job. We will always be by your side for any help, inshallah.
You tell us what you need and we will try to provide it. The more books a person reads, the more knowledge he gains. I always pray that you make yourself in such a way that you can make the future generation an educated nation.
If you are wise then no one can take your knowledge. Rather, you can learn ten more people yourself. Prepare yourself in such a way that you can make your dreams come true. People can do what they want or not. If you always try to put yourself first then everyone will like you very much .
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